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Following is information on the Division of Human Resources' (HR) senior leadership and Virginia Tech's cohort of HR division directors that are embedded within the teams they support. Each senior management area at Virginia Tech has a dedicated HR representative to help employees, managers, and leaders in that area.

Division of Human Resources Leadership

Bryan Garey, Vice President for Human Resources at Virginia Tech
Bryan Garey, Vice President for Human Resources
Stephanie Brown
Stephanie Brown, Assistant Vice President of Administration (Interim)
Pictured is Sandee Cheynet, Virginia Tech's associate vice president for Human Resources.
Sandee Cheynet, Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Curtis Mabry, assistant vice president for consulting and strategic services
Curtis Mabry, Assistant Vice President for Consulting and Strategic Services

Division Directors

Division directors lead the development and delivery of human resources services and programs within individual business units and colleges. 

Pictured is Lynn Byrd, interim division director for Research and Innovation at Virginia Tech.
Lynn Byrd, Research and Innovation
Sarah Castle, HR division director for Virginia Tech
Sarah Castle, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

Picture of Micah Fairchild

Pictured is Micah Fairchild, division director for Student Affairs at Virginia Tech.
Micah Fairchild, Student Affairs
Steve Filipiak, Senior HR Division Director for Virginia Tech
Steve Filipiak, Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Maura Garner, HR division director for Virginia Tech
Maura Gardner, Innovation Campus and D.C. Metro Area
Roslyn Garrison, HR division director for the College of Science
Roslyn Garrison, College of Science
Sara Leftwich, interim HR division director for Virginia Tech
Sara Leftwich, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Jackie McClanahan headshot
Jackie McClanahan, Division of Facilities

Picture of Minh-An Pence

Minh-An Pence, HR division director for Information Technology
Minh-An Pence, Division of Information Technology
photo of Cheri Warren, HR division director for Virginia Tech
Cheri Warren, College of Engineering
Julie Weaver, College of Architecture, Arts, and Design
Pictured is Patricia Wooten, division director for Advancement at Virginia Tech.
Patricia Wooten, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences