Frequently Asked Questions
updated 1/26/24
About the project
Q: Why has the job architecture project been done?
A: For Virginia Tech to attract, keep, and develop the best talent, it is important to have a structure for Administrative and Professional (A/P) faculty positions, like the structures in place for staff roles and T&R faculty roles. These structures are the foundation of how we hire, pay, develop, and advance our workforce through clear career paths and competitive and equitable compensation practices.
The job architecture project created a structure for our about 2,500 A/P faculty roles based on what positions do for the university. The project has also established career track information and salary ranges for A/P faculty roles. See the Job Architecture 101 page for more information.
Q: What has the job architecture project involved?
A: The job architecture project has created a structure for our approximately 2,500 A/P faculty roles based on what positions do for the university, established career track information for each A/P faculty position as well as salary ranges for A/P faculty roles. See the Job Architecture 101 page for more information.
Q: How was the job architecture designed and where can I learn more about the structure?
A: A/P faculty job architectures were built with input from university and HR leaders in collaboration with an external consultant and a core project team to reflect the broad spectrum of A/P faculty roles. The new job architectures will allow classification of A/P faculty roles by functions, sub functions, and disciplines. Additionally, there are six different career tracks, including a track for manager/leadership, based on distinct responsibilities of the jobs in the tracks. Career track levels have a scale of 1 to 5 within each track, with 1 being entry level individual contributor roles and 5 being expert individual contributor roles in that track.
Q: How does this project impact Virginia Tech staff positions?
A: The project does not affect Virginia Tech’s university and classified staff positions, which use the Commonwealth of Virginia classification structure.
From employees
Q: How will this project affect my current job and responsibilities?
A: There will be no impact to current A/P faculty employee jobs or responsibilities.
Q: Will there be any changes to my position title?
A: Working titles for current A/P faculty employees will not change. Working titles are typically decided by managers and departmental HR representatives and used for business cards, email signatures, and internal and external communications.
As a result of the job architecture project, A/P faculty positions will be assigned a system title, which will called “role classification” in Virginia Tech’s HR systems.
Q: What is the difference between a working title and a system title?
A: A working title is used by an individual on their business cards, email signature, and in their internal and external communications to partners. This title generally represents their role within a department or unit.
A system title (which will called “classification title” in Virginia Tech’s HR systems) is a classification that reflects the function/sub-function/discipline, career track and level of an A/P faculty position and is housed in HR systems.
Q: When will I learn my classification, or system title, in the new structure?
A: A/P faculty employees will learn their position classification through their supervisor or manager in 2024.
Q: Will this impact my compensation?
A: Pay adjustments are not within the scope of the job architecture project; however, the university’s new salary structure, which will align with job architectures and career track levels will help leaders better understand and make more informed decisions about compensation in the future.
Q: How will the new job architecture affect my career progression and development opportunities?
A: Job architecture will offer transparency for employees to assess options for their career progression and to better understand the requirements for growing and advancing in their careers. Resources and tools will be developed to aid employees with these efforts in the future.
Q: Will there be any changes to my position description (PD) or job requirements?
A: There will be no changes to PDs unless an employee and their supervisor decide that a position description requires updating to better reflect the role and responsibilities. There will be templates, or job profiles, that outline the primary responsibilities in each of the new system titles that can be referenced when updating PDs.
Q: How does this project help me in my career?
A: The new job architecture will offer transparency for career growth options with defined jobs and job profiles. Employees will be able to use this information to help with career development and planning. Resources and tools will be developed to aid employees with these efforts in the future.
From managers and supervisors
Q: How will this project affect the structure and organization of our team and department?
A: This project does not change reporting relationships or organizational structure.
Q: Will there be any changes to our team's roles and responsibilities?
A: This project does not change the roles or responsibilities of any team or department.
Q: How will this project be communicated to our team members?
A: General information about the project has been presented across the university through many leadership and governance meetings. Added outreach to managers and supervisors will be scheduled with senior management area leaders by college and department HR representatives and members of the job architecture project team.
Communications to individual A/P faculty members will be provided through managers or supervisors in late 2023.
Training and information resources are being created for managers and supervisors and A/P faculty employees to use.
Q: Will there be any training or support supplied to help our team understand the new job architecture?
A: Training and information resources are being developed for managers and supervisors and A/P faculty employees to understand the new job architecture. Additional resources and tools will be developed in the future to aid employees in using this information to better understand the requirements for growing and advancing in their careers with Virginia Tech.
Q: Will there be any changes to the A/P faculty performance evaluation process?
A: No changes are planned to the A/P faculty performance evaluation because of this project; however, there will be more consistent information available for employees and their supervisors to assess performance and to discuss developmental opportunities.
Q: How will the A/P faculty job architecture help my team?
A: When fully implemented and leveraged, the A/P faculty job architecture will allow for more intentional career development planning to help keep and grow your team. Having an aligned pay structure will support better informed compensation decisions so that we remain competitive in a tight job market.
Q: How does this impact staff positions on my team?
A: The project does not affect Virginia Tech’s university and classified staff positions, which use the Commonwealth of Virginia classification structure.