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Emergency Hire

Emergency hire employees are intended only for temporary or seasonal employment, and are exempt from normal recruiting requirements. The employment time of the employee is normally 130 calendar days or less. Reasons for hiring an emergency hire employee include:

  1. To complete critical work that is not expected to last more than 130 days.
  2. To provide temporary support while a vacant position is being advertised.

Department decides to either recruit or use the temporary clerical pool

Departments may recruit for these positions independently or use the Division of Human Resources temporary pools for administrative, fiscal, information technology, trades, and lab emergency hire work. The temporary pool includes applications submitted by individuals specifically interested in short-term employment or who are willing to accept temporary employment until a more permanent position is available. Departments are advised to work with their Human Resources representative if they need assistance.

Department makes arrangements with employee to perform services*

The department locates a candidate to perform the emergency hire work and completes negotiations and arrangements.

* Some foreign nationals cannot be hired at Virginia Tech. Contact the Controller's Office to attend a training class on Employing Foreign Nationals.

For more information on visa requirements, contact Global Strategic Services.

Department and employee complete and sign paperwork

  1. A conviction check is required based on job duties or departmental requirements as defined by University Policy 4060. The policy guidelines also apply to certain student positions. Determine if a conviction/driving check is required by viewing the employment verification screen on banner or contacting Human Resources and  complete the Conviction Check/Driving Check online form. You will receive confirmation of conviction check completion and results via email. Visit the conviction check process page for more information. 
  2. Department has the employee fill out and sign the Wage Employment Appointment Record (P12W). These documents need to be maintained in departmental files in accordance with the retention schedule established by Records Management
  3. Employee completes tax forms and Selective Service form, if applicable, and the online I-9 form (Employment Eligibility Verification) in the New Hire Center.

Department enters and approves appointment using HR Banner

Each department should have at least one person who has access to and has had training to enter actions in the HR Banner system.

  1. Enter employee bio information into Banner screen PWAEBIO.
  2. Generate employee PID.
  3. Enter the emergency hire appointment using the PAF process.

Department approves the appointment using HR Banner

Each department should have at least one person who has access to approve actions in the HR Banner system. Approve the appointment using Banner form NOAAPSM.

Banner automatically generates an end date. Departments are responsible for monitoring the number of days the emergency hire works. Banner will not allow hours worked beyond the end date to be entered until an extension request is made and approved.

Employee Actions

  1. Visit For New Employees: Onboarding Resources
  2. Set up PID
  3. Login to Hokie Spa to set up direct deposit

Approximately two weeks before the emergency hire reaches the 130 limit, the department should consider whether or not an extension is needed. If an extension is needed, complete an Emergency Hire Extension form (P108).

Before completing the form, it is recommended that the department contact their Human Resources representative for guidance on how to proceed with the request.

An explanation of the need for the extension is required. Short extensions may be granted for the following reasons:

  1. To complete a project.
  2. To provide additional time to advertise and interview.
  3. To continue to fill in for someone on leave.

Enter the emergency hire job end. Each department should have at least one person who has access and has had training to enter job end actions in the HR Banner system.

Approve the emergency hire job end. Each department should also have at least one person who has access and has had training to approve job end actions in the HR Banner system.

Video tutorials, user guides and FAQs for HR Banner are available on the Canvas training site. The HR Service Center is also available to provide assistance with Banner actions. Contact the HR Service Center at or 540-231-9331.

Frequent Questions

  • My department does not have enough funding for a salary position; can we hire an emergency hire and have the person just keep staying on after 130 days until we can get enough funding? No, departments cannot use emergency hires for this type of situation. An option would be to advertise and fill the position as a wage position for the time being. Then, advertise a salary position later once funding is received.
  • Can I transition an emergency hire into a wage position or salary position? No, wage and salary positions must go through the competitive search process.