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Student Employment

Student wage employees fill essential roles within the academic and administrative departments at Virginia Tech. Student wage employees are exempt from normal recruiting requirements and are hired directly by the department. For more information and details on student employment procedures, refer to the Banner Canvas site.

  1. Student Wage
  2. Work Study
  3. Graduate Assistant

Department makes arrangements with student to perform services*

The department locates a student and makes arrangements with the student to perform the work.

* Some foreign nationals cannot be hired at Virginia Tech. Please contact the Controller’s Office to attend a training class on Employing Foreign Nationals.

For more information on visa requirements, contact Cranwell International Center.

Department and employee complete and sign paperwork

  1. A conviction check is required based on job duties or departmental requirements as defined by University Policy 4060. The policy guidelines also apply to certain student positions. Determine if a conviction/driving check is required by viewing the employment verification screen on banner or contacting Human Resources and  complete the Conviction Check/Driving Check online form. You will receive confirmation of conviction check completion and results via email. Visit the conviction check process page for more information. 
  2. Department has the employee fill out and sign the Wage Employment Appointment Record (P12W). These documents need to be maintained in departmental files in accordance with the retention schedule established by Records Management.
  3. Employee completes tax forms and Selective Service form, if applicable, and the online I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) in the New Hire Center.

Department enters the appointment using HR Banner

Each department should have at least one person who has access and training to enter actions in the HR Banner system.

  1. If needed, update the employee biographic information using the Banner form - PWAEBIO.
  2. Enter the student appointment using the PAF process.

Department approves the appointment using HR Banner

Each department should have at least one person who has access to approve actions in the HR Banner system.  Approve the student appointment using the Banner form - NOAAPSM.

Student Actions

  1. Employee sets up direct deposit through Hokie Spa.

Department changes the rate of pay for a student wage position

Department obtains a signed Wage Employment Appointment Record (P12W) reflecting the status change. The department maintains the file in accordance with the retention schedule established by Records Management.

  1. Enter the status change using the PAF process.
  2. An approver approves the status change using the Banner form - NOAAPSM.

Termination of a student wage job

  1. Enter the student termination using the PAF process.
  2. An approver approves the termination using the Banner form - NOAAPSM.

Video tutorials, user guides and FAQs for HR Banner are available on the Canvas training site. The HR Service Center is also available to provide assistance with Banner actions. Contact the HR Service Center at or 540-231-9331.

Where can a department advertise student wage positions?

Departments wishing to advertise their positions can post online with Handshake in Career and Professional Development.