Organizational Transfer
Single Organizational Transfer
For less than 10 employees who need their current job in Banner to move from one department to another, follow the procedure below.
- Complete P3A form and submit to Human Resources via the HR Dropbox
- Signature Requirements
- Deparment Head or Director
- Senior Management
- Human Resources
Bulk Organizational Transfers
For 10 or more employees who need their current job in Banner to move from one department to another, the bulk template may be used. This eliminates the need to fill out a form for each individual person.
Information and instructions for completing the organizational transfer template on the MicroStrategy HR Reporting Menu can be found in the Bulk Organizational Transfers Guide. Follow the guide for step-by-step directions. If the template is not completed properly, it will be returned to the department for corrections. Do not remove or add columns.
- Bulk processing documents must be submitted through the HR drop box no later than one pay period prior to the effective date of the changes to ensure time for appropriate review of the information. If the request is submitted later than one pay period prior to the effective date, changes will be applied to the next pay period.
- Due to Banner processing logistics no other transaction changes can occur during the effective date of the organizational transfer change or the requested effective date will be impacted.
Required Documents
- Complete P3A form as instructed in the Bulk Organizational Transfers Guide
- Signature Requirements
- Deparment Head or Director
- Senior Management
- Human Resources
- Organizational transfer template from MicroStrategy
** These processes may only be used for faculty, staff, and single non-student wage positions. Changing the employee’s home org will impact Banner access.