Hokies Give Back Events
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute -- Contact: Brittany Shelton
- Oct. 28: Oh, my Gourd! Pumpkin Craving and Painting Contest
- Nov. 11: Annual Chili Cook-Off
- Dec. 9-13: “Bid A Basket” Silent Auction
- Dec. 13: Bake Sale and Tacky Sweaters
Human Resources -- Contact: Caroline Wilkinson
- Nov. 30: Micah's Backpack Drive
- Collecting: SpaghettiOs or Ravioli, 14.75 oz can or 7.5 oz microwaveable cup of Chicken Noodle Soup, 10.75 oz can of Peanut Butter, 18 oz 100% Juice Boxes, Oatmeal (Box with Individual Packages), 5 oz cans of Tuna, Macaroni and Cheese Singles (2.05 oz), Fruit Chews, Granola Bars, Fruit Cups, and Canned Vegetables
Procurement -- Contact: Roger Gupta
- Dec. 3: Procurement Scarf Sale
- Scarf Sale held in support of the Floyd County Humane Society (FCHS) will take place in the North End Center Lobby from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3. This is a fantastic event with great homemade items, hand-knitted scarves, hats, and dog and cat treats available with all proceeds directly going to FCHS for the benefit of our furry friends.