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Development Career Track

This track includes roles focused on fundraising for the organization.

Track Overview

Level Description Definition
5 Expert Development With experienced mastery in the complex strategies, concepts, and principles of fundraising, positions at this level are assigned to the highest-level development prospects. Demonstrates strategic leadership and diplomacy in managing a portfolio of 15‐35 principal gift prospects, soliciting gifts and donations that are potentially transformational. Typical Titles include Principle Gift Officer/PPO.  
4 Advanced Development With demonstrated experienced proficiency in complex strategies, concepts, and principles of fundraising, solicits major philanthropic gifts from net‐worth individuals and corporate partnerships. Typical Titles Include Senior Director of Major Gifts.
3 Senior Development With experienced understanding of complex strategies, concepts, and principles of fundraising solicits major philanthropic gifts from high net‐worth individuals and corporate. Typical titles include Director of Major Gifts.
2 Intermediate Development With a developed understanding of the concepts and principles of fundraising, develops and cultivates relationships with a 100-125 portfolio size of prospects, while soliciting leadership gifts in support of current operations. Typical titles include Associate Director of Major Gifts.
1 Entry Development With an entry to intermediate understanding of the concepts and principles of fundraising and working with supervisor, develops and cultivates relationships with a 250-300 portfolio size of prospects while soliciting annual/digital gifts. Typical titles include Digital Gifts Officer/Annual Giving Officer, Assistant Director of Leadership Gifts, and Associate Director of Leadership Gifts.

Level Detail

Level 5: Expert Development (D5)
Classification title: Senior Development Consultant
Complexity Scope of Impact Autonomy
Assigned to the highest-level development prospects.  Manages a portfolio of 15-35 principal gift prospects, soliciting gifts of $5M.  Demonstrates strategic leadership and diplomacy.
Level 4: Advanced Development (D4)
Classification title: Development Consultant
Complexity Scope of Impact Autonomy
Assigned to the highest-level development prospects.  Solicits major philanthropic gifts in the range of $550K - $5M.  Demonstrates strategic leadership and diplomacy.
Level 3: Senior Development (D3)
Classification title: Senior Development Specialist
Complexity Scope of Impact Autonomy
Solicits major philanthropic gifts from high net-worth individuals and corporate partnerships. Solicits major philanthropic gifts in the range of $100K-$1M. Able to carry out a full range of professional duties. May mentor less experienced colleagues.
Level 2: Intermediate Development (D2)
Classification title: Development Specialist
Complexity Scope of Impact Autonomy
Develops and cultivates relationships with a portfolio of prospects. Soliciting leadership gifts in the range of $5K-$100K in support of current operations. Works with supervisor on more complex issues.
Level 1: Entry Development (D1)
Classification title: Associate Development Specialist
Complexity Scope of Impact Autonomy
Develops and cultivates relationships with a portfolio of prospects. Soliciting annual/digital gifts in the range of $2.5K-$25K. Works with supervisor.