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Additional Onboarding Tools and Resources for Managers

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Onboarding Community of Practice

Who we are:   A group of professionals with a common interest in onboarding.

Purpose:   Provide a way for practitioners to share tips and best practices, ask questions of their colleagues, and provide support for each other.

Communication/collaboration through:

  • Listserv.
  • Google shared drive.
  • Access to a site with shared resources.
  • Regular meetings.

To join: Email Jessica Grimes at

Frequently Asked Onboarding Questions

The supervisor change that occurs in Banner does not automatically go to PageUp. You can change the supervisor at any time in PageUp. To do this, go to the offer card within PageUp. Select "view offer details". From that screen, you will scroll to the section called "onboarding". You can then change the "reports to" manager and/or the "onboarding delegates" so that the new hire tasks can be seen and tracked by the new person(s).  

Yes, you can customize tasks that are specific to your department, specific to person, or specific to a type of hire (only staff, as an example). This can be done by creating a favorite task within PageUp and then assigning that task to the appropriate hire(s). Instructions  are as follows:

  • Go to "manager activities".
  • Look under "new hires" and then select the name of the employee.
  • Select "add a new task" in the right corner.
  • Complete all the task information and then select "create".
  • If you chose "notify updates," the employee will receive an email that a new task that has been created.
  • If you chose "add to favorites," it will be available for use with future hires. It will then show up under your "favorite tasks" and you can assign that task to any new hire for whom the task is relevant.

Visit the employment posters page for information and printable versions of the posters.