Weekly check-in meeting questions

Your new employee will have plenty of questions so make sure to schedule regular check-in meetings. Below are sample weekly check-in meeting questions that can you use.
- How is your job going?
- Is it what you expected when hired?
- Any surprises? If yes, what?
- Has the training been helpful?
- What training would you add?
- Do you have all the work tools/resources you need?
- Do you know where you stand in terms of your progress since you started work?
- How are your relationships with your co-workers?
- Is there room for improvement in the department?
- Are you making connections in the local community (for new hires who have relocated)?
- Are you aware of the resources available to support your family members’ adjustment?
- Do you feel you have been able to manage your work/life needs since starting this job?
- Was your onboarding experience helpful?
- Is everything OK with your benefits and pay?
- Any questions/anything unclear?