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Flexible work arrangement forms site frequently asked questions

Employees and supervisors should use the Flexible Work Arrangements forms site to establish new agreements, amend current agreements, and/or to expire old agreements for telework and/or alternate work schedules.  Following are frequently asked questions about the Flexible Work Arrangements forms site.

Frequently asked questions

A/P faculty, staff, wage, emergency hires, and undergraduate and graduate student employees are required to complete a Flexible Work Arrangement agreement. Formal flexible work arrangement agreements will not be required for T/R faculty unless the normal work assignment is consistently at an alternate location rather than the standard assigned office.

Employees whose flexible arrangements are for longer than a two-week duration are required to submit a Flexible Work Arrangement agreement.

The employee’s supervisor/manager within the employee’s home organization is required to approve the agreement. It is also required that the employee discuss and review the proposed arrangement with their supervisor/manager that is outside of their home organization.

The employee needs to go into their dashboard and expire one of the agreements.

The supervisor/manager should reject the agreement and include comments that provide rationale for why the agreement is being rejected. This should be followed by a conversation with the requesting employee to communicate what needs to be adjusted or edited on the agreement for it to be approved. Comments that a supervisor/manager includes on the Flexible Work Arrangement agreement are not visible to the employee.

The employee should update the information in the agreement form with the correct supervisor's name and PID (VT Username). Following this, the employee should contact their HR representative to determine if a correction in Banner is required. If an employee does not know who their HR representative is, they should contact the HR Service Center at

Employees who request out-of-state work capabilities within the Flexible Work Arrangement require approval from the offices of the VP of HR and VP of Finance. The request will automatically be sent to these departments for review and determination of approval. The employee and supervisor will be advised if the request is approved and if any expenses will be incurred due to the location of the out-of-state request.

If an employee remains in their position but has a new supervisor due to a department reorganization or departure of their previous supervisor, the active Flexible Work Arrangement agreement remains in effect and the new supervisor inherits the agreement.  Any required changes may be made at the time of renewal.

If business needs are not being met, the supervisor can cancel the agreement at any time. It is recommended that the supervisor have a discussion with the employee prior to changing or cancelling a flexible work arrangement. 

A Flexible Work Arrangement agreement is specific to the employee’s position or role.  The agreement does not follow the employee to a new department or position.  Upon the employee’s move to a new position, their existing Flexible Work Arrangement agreement should be expired.

If the employee wishes to telework and/or follow an alternate work schedule in their new position, they should discuss the arrangement with their new supervisor and, following that dialogue and mutual agreement between the employee and supervisor, create a new agreement for their supervisor's review and approval.